Harder Than Life

Coaching with

Kelly Siegel.

About Kelly Siegel's Harder Than Life Coaching:

I'm looking for a handful of entrepreneurs who want to level up their health, wealth, and relationships..

If you’re feeling unsettled, it's because DEEP DOWN you know you're meant for so much more.

Most entrepreneurs think it's a new course or book they're missing.

But from experience let me tell you...

It's NOT about knowing more.

It's about breaking the sabotaging beliefs that keep you hitting your growth ceiling.

We'll focus on becoming the 10.0 version of you in a group with other ambitious entrepreneurs just like you.

We use simple growth playbooks, leadership frameworks, the Siegel Operating System, the Siegel Success Standards, and the Siegel Strength System to create next level health, wealth, and relationship success.

So if you’re looking to scale your success in business…

This is UNLIKE ANYTHING you've likely ever seen.

Now, let me be clear and frank…

Becoming your 10.0 version will require commitment and hard work.

If you keep making decisions from the perspective you have today, you’ll get the exact same results you have right now.

Serious growth requires you becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable…

Because if you’re anything like me, when life throws a challenge at you..

We don’t get weak in the knees and give up..

We step up the plate and tackle it head on.

That’s why Harder Than Life is not for everyone. 

I’m looking for 100 entrepreneurs who are 100% committed to scaling up their companies and are ready to jump ALL-IN, NOW.  

So, if you’re still here?

I'd be honored to help you compress decades of business growth into months.

Here’s how the program works:

The program breaks down into 8 parts.

The 6 Siegel Standards

Unlock my 6 Siegel Standards for a roadmap to crush your personal and business goals.

The Siegel Strength System

Attain peak physical condition with the Siegel Strength System tailored to your goals.


Optimize relationships for ultimate fulfillment, setting clear goals and boundaries.

The Siegel Operating System for CEOs

Implement systems for business scalability and freedom, working ON the business, not IN it.

The Siegel Growth System for Marketing

Leverage growth strategies to increase leads, revenue, and market domination.

The Siegel Success System for Leadership

Develop leadership skills: self-awareness, influence, communication, and continuous growth.

The CEO Workflow

Optimize daily workflow around happiness and success, fostering love for your business.

Your 10.0 Self

Rebuild yourself for success with frameworks like the Siegel Operating and Success Systems.

To break it down even further...

*Part 1: The 6 Siegel Standards

With your spot locked in…

You’re now one of the few founders who has access to my 6 Siegel Standards to optimize your next 12-months for scale.

We don’t rise to the level of our goals, we fall to the level of our standards.

So on your very first week, you’re crystal clear on the actions and roadmap you need to follow in order to crush your personal and business goals.

And once you start seeing the results of your new daily standards, you’ll never look back.

*Part 2: The Siegel Strength System 

The best way to gain peoples’ respect is by being in shape.

And that’s where the Siegel Strength System comes in.

Depending on your individual goals, the Siegel Strength System will equip you with everything you need to look and feel like your true potential.

Looking to lose the gut and see your abs? I’ll give you the blueprint for that.

Looking to build muscle and get jacked? I got you covered.

It’s time to get in shape and look the part too.

*Part 3: Relationships

Ask any successful entrepreneur how their day is, and their answer will depend on how his/her relationship is with their partner that day.

Strong, healthy relationships can bring you the ultimate fulfillment in life.

So we’ll start by breaking down your current situation, set clear goals on what you want in a relationship, and help you set clear boundaries to achieve your goals.

Once your health, routines, and relationships are in order, it’s time to scale your business.

*Part 4: The Siegel Operating System for CEOs

To scale your business, you need systems.

Systems will set you free so you can buy back your time so you can spend it doing what you love with the people you love.

I’ll pull back the curtain on the exact systems framework that I use to run my $8-figure IT company, so you can plug and play it into yours.

I’ll help you implement the operating system I use to set clear 10 year, 3 year, and 1 year goals, break them down into chunks, and execute on them systematically.

This will help your business run like a well-oiled machine, so you can remove yourself from the trenches knowing that your business is thriving without you.

This means you can work ON the business, instead of IN it, and create true freedom for yourself.

There is no better feeling than watching your company grow without you having to be directly involved in the day-to-day operations of it.

*Part 5: The Siegel Growth System for Marketing

You want to get more customers, increase revenue, and grow your business.

And to do that, you need more qualified leads.

So that’s exactly what we’re going to focus on here.

I’ll show you the growth strategies I’ve used to scale my IT company to $8-figures+, as well as gain over 200,000 Instagram followers in only a year.

First, we’ll break down your current marketing and sales funnel. This will give us a clear starting point so we know what we’re working with.

Next, we’ll set your core focus, core target, and a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. This gives us something big to aim for together.

Then, we’ll build a clear game plan for dominating your industry. This means leveraging systems, social media, and sales leaders who are accountable for your growth.

And finally, we’ll take it to the market with crystal clear messaging so you can crush your business goals and feel a sense of fulfillment.

With the right Growth System, any goal becomes achievable.

*Part 6: The Siegel Success System for Leadership

Now that we’re clear on what we want, it’s time to make it happen and step into your role as a leader with the Siegel Success System.

I’ll turn you into a world-class leader with these 4 steps:

#1 Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence (EI) Development: I’ll work with you to enhance your self-awareness and emotional intelligence. This means understanding your own emotions, motivations, and reactions to see how these impact your leadership style and interactions with others.

#2 Influence and Motivation: I’ll help you develop fluency in understanding how to influence and motivate others. This involves inspiring a shared vision, empowering team members, recognizing and leveraging individual strengths, and fostering a positive and inclusive work environment. This is key for getting your people to do what you need them to do so your business can grow.

#3 Communication Skills: I’ll help you improve your communication skills. This includes active listening, effective feedback delivery, conflict resolution, and persuasion. Effective communication is essential for building trust, fostering collaboration, and inspiring others.

#4 Continuous Learning and Growth: Finally, I’ll help you develop a system for sustainable, lifelong learning and continuous growth as a leader. This means seeking feedback, reflecting on their experiences, pursuing further education or training opportunities, and staying updated on industry trends and best practices.

When you nail these 4 pillars of leadership, your team will thrive and your business will take off.

Part 7: CEO Workflow

Work life balance is a myth.

Your goals should be to be happy, not just make money. 

Money won’t make you happy, but happiness will make you money.

I’ll help you get clear on what success looks like in your eyes, so we can optimize your daily workflow around that.

Because a happy leader is a great leader.

As a result, you’ll learn to fall in love with your business again.

*Part 8: Your 10.0 Self

The reason you’re not already living the life you want or running the successful business you wish to run or making the money you want is because you’re not the person who deserves those things..


And that’s totally cool.

But if we want to see change…

We have to rebuild the character who deserves everything you’ve always dreamed of, the character that effortlessly gets what you want..

Your New Character will be the thing (Cause) that creates the Effect (Desired Outcome).

With frameworks like the Siegel Operating System, the Siegel Success System, the Siegel Strength System, and more, we’ll craft the identity that you need in order to become happy, healthy, and Harder Than Life (and more wealthy as a result).


Get To The Finish Line With Weekly Mentorship For A Full Year!


Unlock exclusive training modules covering the Siegel Standards, Strength System, Operating System, and Success System. Receive personalized guidance through a dedicated app, empowering you to embody the principles of resilience and achievement in your life.


Access elite entrepreneurial coaching and guidance through four monthly group sessions led by Kelly Siegel and his team. Sessions include tactical action steps, problem-solving discussions, and accountability check-ins. Gain insights from previous calls to avoid common pitfalls and accelerate your progress towards your goals.


Engage with a supportive community of ambitious entrepreneurs, where you can seek advice, share experiences, and receive encouragement. Access a wealth of knowledge and networking opportunities to enhance your personal and professional growth journey.

Program Structure:

The Harder Than Life coaching program is structured to help you achieve your true potential when it comes to your health, wealth, relationships, and happiness.

This means that I’ll walk you through my Siegel Standards and Operating Systems through a combination of live coaching calls, training modules, and regular check-ins.

I’m here to do whatever it takes to help you level up, so for the first 20 entrepreneurs who join, I’ll personally onboard you 1 on 1 over Zoom so we can hit the ground running quickly.

Time Commitment:

What I need from you is 3-5 hours a week…

To go through the frameworks, join the calls, and take action to start making progress.

We’re looking for a 100% commitment to follow through with the processes, systems, 4x coaching calls and support I’m giving you.

If that’s something you can swing every week, you’ll be surprised with the progress you can make inside the program!


If you’re ready to unlock your next level of growth… 

It could cost you a fortune to miss out on what you’ll be getting inside the Harder Than Life coaching program.

Private coaching clients pay me $100,000+ for 12 months of coaching and love it.

So I could easily justify asking $25,000 for this group, and you’d still get great ROI…

While keeping all the frameworks, strategies and insights for the rest of your business career.

Instead the investment is:

$8,000 USD - But, I'm offering a 50% Founding Member's Discount to the first 100 clients!

Making that only $4,000 USD for 12 months!

After the first 100 member sign-ups, it will cost $8,000 for 12 months,

so you're basically getting 6 months of coaching for free if you join today!

Plus, the first 20 member sign-ups get a FREE 1-on-1 call with me personally,

so act quickly! (I usually charge $2,000-$3,000/hour for this)

I’ve got the plan. I’ve got the frameworks. I’ve got the support

You bring your commitment. 

Your results will match your level of commitment.

How To Sign-Up:

Secure your place and sign up now using the sign up link below!

Once your payment has been received, you will receive an email confirmation with next steps including:

- Your scheduling link to book your free 1 hour, 1-on-1 call.

-A personalized link for you to create your account and gain full access to my Harder Than Life Community.

-And your weekly group coaching call meeting link!

Site: www.harderthanlife.com

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